Union: An organized group of members, united in a specific cause. The word union has fallen out of use in the English language. These days people think union is synonymous with trade union. But there are so many other types of unions than mere trade unions.
A trade union has members, united in the cause of improving working conditions for its members. A trade union has a board, democratically elected by its members. Meetings are held to discuss courses of action, improvements to work towards, and decisions about how to attain them. The members pay dues (a fixed sum of money every year) that are spent in that cause.
Other unions you may have heard of:
- The Suffragettes
- Unions of women, and unions of unions of women, who fought for the female right to vote.
- Home Owners’ Association
- Union of home owners, who work on maintaining a neighbourhood.
- NRA, National Rifle Association / American Gun Owners’ Association
- Unions of gun owners, who work to preserve the right to buy and carry guns in the US.
Unions are powerful tools of change, because unions have people. People who are informed and will vote accordingly. Unions are powerful tools of change, because unions have man power. Man power to hold events, spread the word, advertise, demonstrate, sing, bake cake and fund raise. Unions are powerful tools of change, because unions have money. Money from dues, money from fund raising events. Unions are powerful tools of change, because unions are inherently resistent to corruption. Because the books are open to all members and they are democratically lead, so any bad egg on the board, can be booted out. Unions are powerful tools of change, because they build trust in our fellow man. Because we’re all in it together, and we all do our part. Unions are powerful tools of change, because they are easy to form. You just need 3 people with a common purpose, and from there you may grow your union to infinity.